Friday 9 October 2009

Update Numer 4 I suppose...

There is something happening in Kawangware, Nairobi. Every Tuesday and Thursday about 25 Street Boys make there way to the church compound to enjoy some football (soccer), songs, devotions, life discussions and, of course, food. This is the first Step Toward Change. As one of their own stated, “We should be called Miracle Boys [not street boys] because it’s a miracle God keeps us alive everyday.” These Miracle Boys are the focus of Fikisha, the organization (run by the congregation) that hopes to get them off the streets and onto a path for change. God can do amazing things when we are available tools, and the team that is here is so willing to make this succeed. So far, He can be seen working and I anticipate greatly a future full of more miracles.
Current progress:
Program- Over the past weeks, they have been attending the Tue/Thur program and it has improved tremendously. They serve each other and even clean all the cups/dishes when they are through. Some will even stay after the program to talk. We have been discouraging the sniffing of drugs during the program. *Major step: we had some say they were tempted if others were doing it, so they voluntarily gave up their bottles for the duration of the morning.* On Tuesday, one of the mentors poured out the petrol one was sniffing and lit it of fire. This and some follow up discussion started to show them what they were actually putting into their bodies. Thursday was a recap day for the discussion topics of the last month (Love, trust, honesty, purity). Each group made a poster and presented it to the rest. I think it was a great experience for them and our room is a little bit more colorful!
Mentorship- Each boy has an assigned mentor and our current goal is establishing trust and gathering their stories. This is no easy task, as many of their histories go very deep into violence, broken families, bad choices and much more. The goal for mentorship is that they will encourage and walk with these boys as they grow.
School- Scholarships are being sought for those willing and able to reenter school. This week we found out that God has provided 3 scholarships and that means 3 lives will be forever impacted! Many praises. We are awaiting approval from the church to start a prep-room where those given scholarships can clean up and have stability before the next term begins (January in this case). We are also hoping to have volunteer tutors come to make sure they will be ready to go back to school. In my next update, there will be pictures and stories for those going in January!
Officiating-Fikisha has the hopes of becoming a Non Government Organization. The process is not that simple, but is moving along. We are having a constitution writing tomorrow!

On a personal Note- It has been a fun past few weeks. I went shopping at the local market and got some great deals! The (much needed) rains have begun to make themselves known, even when you are walking home in a skirt and sandals. I have been mastering Kenyan cooking and hope to share with you all upon my return!
There was a crazy fun team from Michigan staying at the guest house last week and they made evenings thoroughly enjoyable. Shaney’s hearty laugh, Karen’s “colorful” comments and Elizabeth’s convincing me to go to Vietnam brought many smiles to the week. Not too mention, they had many words of wisdom and beautiful hearts.
It has also been a challenge to see what I can do and realize the answer is not “everything.” Dang it. But, as has been told to me repeatedly lately, “you just help who/what is in front of you.” You can’t do it all, and that’s not even what God wants. Just put His love where it didn’t exist before.

Prayer list:
Changing of hearts
Medical conditions (in particular, one was bitten by a dog Thursday)
God’s provision for food, scholarships and the personnel to carry it all out
Overall wisdom and perseverance in moving forward

Your prayers and, moreover, your hearts are the perfect support. You are a part of the Fikisha Team. Thank you.
Fikisha (Swahili for “enable to reach”)

Want to help?

Sunday 27 September 2009

And so it begins…

I never thought I would be a blogger. I like writing, but, for me, sitting and keeping a journal is about as regular as an old person without Metamucil. Not to mention, I didn’t think I had much to say that was worth reading. To be honest, I am doing this as an efficiency measure to save time and streamline the “update publishing” process, but hoping it will also encourage electrifying expression of everything that’s going on in this crazy head of mine. Read on, follow these thoughts and enjoy the coffee facts. It is my intent to make what’s posted on Rise Up be informative, entertaining, encouraging and thought provoking and I thoroughly appreciate the time you take to read.
Mbarakiwa, Alyssa

Saturday 26 September 2009

Kenya Believe it? Nairobi Stayin in Africa

Hey everyone! So, I just graduated and wasn't sure what to do with my life. All there was to do was pray, and wait. God always has a purpose and a plan, and the answer will come in His timing. Though it was nerve-wracking to be unsure of what to do after graduation, I was confident a door would open. God is amazing and I have had countless illustration thus far in my life, and this summer in East Africa has been no exception. So, I am staying in Nairobi, Kenya! At least until December, but who knows what God has planned. I'm not staying in Africa because it's Africa, because their need is greater or because I think I can change it. I'm staying because God put me right here, right now for His purpose. I'm staying because Christ came to bring worth to the worthless and love to those the world casts away. Street Kids can be found in every city around the world. They are usually runaways or orphans finding shelter among the alleys or shadows. In Nairobi particularly, these teens are not only on the streets, but in the slums. Even within their own community, they are rejected. The statistic of how many there are is probably overwhelming, but they are individuals in need if love and restoration. Each one is a child God can't bear to live without. Being with them for only a few days in June opened my eyes to a world I have never really experienced. The tattered and dirty clothes are nothing compared to the mindset that has them fighting for survival, no matter the cost. Who else could Christ be telling us to love? He came to seek and save the lost. These are young boys with potential and a purpose in Christ. Imagine if they only knew. This beginning time will be a lot of learning (Swahili, politics, life) and building a foundation to get these boys off the streets. Spending time with them will be huge, as the main goal is to have them know that they are loved. The church there has a Sunday Tea ministry which brings them to church and has them worship together. I'll be working to further the ministry, since it has so much potential. They currently have no plan to get them off the streets. Some may need to go back to school or find a job. No matter what, much of my ministry will be helping them find opportunities to strengthen their own community. I know there will be challenges, but God is in control. Thank you all for your constant support and love. Each one of you has touched my life and strengthened my soul in ways you don't know. I will need your prayers and encouragement all the while, and I will miss you very much. Please contact with thoughts, ideas, prayers, comments, info etc. (for example, if you know people living in Nairobi, or you want to come visit) : ) There will be much news to come, God is at work. Peace be to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith, from God the Father and LORD Jesus Christ. Grace be with all of you who love our LORD jesus Christ with love incorruptible. Ephesians 6:23-24Serving Him,Alyssa Magnusson oh, and for those of you who didn't get the title, it reads (in a fun accent): Can you believe it? I will be staying in Africa). kbye